Terms & Conditions

    1. To obtain permission for use of any content on this site please contact management on 011 845 3885 or email sales@
    2. All moral rights of Masons’ and its employees/agents are reserved.
    3. Masons’ do not accept any liability for illegal, defamatory or obscene content.
    4. Users are encouraged to inform Masons’ of any content that may be offensive or illegal.
    1. Neither Masons’ nor any of its agents or representatives shall be liable for any damage, loss or liability of whatsoever nature arising from the use or inability to use this website or the services or content provided from and through this website. Furthermore, Masons’ makes no representations or warranties, implied or otherwise, that, amongst others, the content, images and technology available from this website are free from errors or omissions or that the service will be 100% uninterrupted and error-free. Users are encouraged to report any possible malfunctions and errors to the person referred to in clause 1.
    2. This web site is supplied on an “as is” basis and has not been compiled or supplied to meet the user’s individual requirements. It is the sole responsibility of the user to satisfy itself prior to entering into this agreement with Masons’ that the service available from and through this website will meet the user’s individual requirements and be compatible with the user’s hardware and/or software.
    3. Information, ideas and opinions expressed on this site should not be regarded as professional advice or the official opinion of Masons’ and users are encouraged to consult professional advice before taking any course of action related to information, ideas or opinions expressed on this site.
    4. All items purchased from Masons’ are made pursuant to agreements with shipping and delivery agents and risk of loss pass from Masons’ to such agents upon delivery of any item to such carrier.
    5. Neither Masons’ nor any of its agents or representatives shall be liable for any damage, loss or liability of whatsoever nature arising from the use or inability to use any product sold on this web site.
    1. Credit Card payments
    2. At the time of placing the order, the transaction details are presented to the bank and an authorisation is obtained for the amount of the order.
    3. Note that to protect it’s own and the interests of customers, Masons’ scrutinizes all transactions very carefully to prevent attempted fraud and a transaction may be refused if Masons’ is not satisfied with it’s legitimacy.
    4. The following cards are accepted on this site: Visa Card / MasterCard
    5. Bank Deposit
    1. An agreement of sale between Masons’ and a user only comes into effect if and when:
      1. A credit card authorisation is received from the issuing bank; or
      2. A deposit of an electronic transfer is reflected on Masons’ bank statement (and only if such payment is received within 5 (five) working days after completion of the purchase cycle; or
      3. A direct deposit is reflected on the Masons’ bank statement (and only if such payment is received within 5 (five) working days after completion of the purchase cycle
      4. Masons’ reserves the right to refuse to accept and/or execute an order without giving any reasons. Masons’ also reserves the right to cancel orders in whole or in part as circumstances dictate. Masons’ shall only be liable to refund monies already paid by the user.
      5. Masons’shall take all reasonable efforts to maintain correct prices. However, should an error occur and items are offered at incorrect prices, Masons’ will not be obliged to sell goods at such incorrect prices and shall only be liable to refund monies already paid by the user.
      6. All appliances purchased at Masons’ are intended for domestic use unless otherwise stipulated. Should it be used for commercial/industrial purposes, all warranties on the appliance will be forfeited
    1. Stocks of all goods on offer are limited. Masons’ shall take all reasonable efforts to discontinue the offer as soon as stock is no longer available. However, should items still be offered after stocks are sold, Masons shall only be liable to refund monies where it is unable to fulfill orders at advertised prices.
    1. Masons’ shall not be liable for the sale of items at lower prices if such prices were increased and users and/or purchasers could not, for whatever reason, conclude an agreement of sale while such prices remained low.
    1. Should Masons’ supply the incorrect product or if the product is damaged or faulty, Masons shall exchange the unit for a new one, provided that the damaged unit is returned in it’s original packaging with all warranty cards, manuals and accessories. Certain made to order items may only be returned for replacement but not for refund.
    2. Cash refunds will not be given, and any monies due will be paid back into the users bank account .
    1. The price of each product is displayed with the product, in the event of a product being on special, this price will be displayed.
    2. All prices are quoted in South Africa Rands (ZAR)
    3. All prices on the website include VAT at the rate of 15%.
    4. Prices are only valid on the website and not in branches.
    5. Prices on the website are based on discounted and average pricing .
    6. Shipping costs are calculated in accordance to the region of delivery and is calculated by the weight of each product.
    7. Time-based pricing is only available for the times stipulated by Masons adverts and as displayed on the website – any purchases done outside of such times, will not be honoured at the special pricing.
    8. Time-based pricing time logic is based on the time of the device that the website runs on, and might differ from the users times.
    9. EO&E – Errors Omissions & Excepted – all precautions will be taken to provide correct pricing and images on this site, however in the event that a error does occur, no liability can be held against the company to provide such products at such pricing.
    10. If products list as a zero price value this is considered a technical issue and Masons’ will not honour the price.
    1. All products shown are for display purposes and product specifications may differ from actual products in stores. All product, product specifications and data are subject to change without notification to improve reliability, function or design or otherwise.
    1. All deliveries will be delivered within 5-7 working days, taking into consideration the availability of stock and region.
    2. Where delays and out of stock situations occur, every effort will be made to inform the buyer.
    3. Deliveries outside the borders of South Africa will not be done via the website and a store must be contacted in this case.
    4. The courier will request proof of identity from the person receiving the goods and will be required to record such details on the invoice
    5. By signing such an invoice document, the receiver confirms that the goods were received undamaged and in good condition.
    6. In the unlikely event that the goods arrive damaged or items may be missing, and the receiver wishes not to accept the items, then they must indicate on the waybill the reasons for sending the parcel back and both parties will need to co-sign against this indication.
    7. In the event of Masons’ being given an incorrect delivery address or no one is present to receive the item at the time of delivery, the delivery will be returned to our offices, and we will then contact you to re-schedule the delivery. Please note that you will be charged the delivery fee again, as we use contract delivery teams and we are charged for each delivery, and in turn this fee will be passed onto the purchaser.
    8. Should your item be delivered by our friendly courier service outside of a 30km radius of our store, we will be unable to fulfil the Masons’ Delivery Experience of removing your older item. Arrangements should be made under the comments section on the checkout page. Additional charges may be applicable.
    9. Any connection/Installation is the clients’ responsibility. If assistance is required, please note this in the comment section on the checkout page. Any service required as a result of improper connection/installation will be for the clients’ account.
    10. In the event of an exchange, additional delivery costs may be applicable. Please liaise with your consultant for further information.
    1. No person, business or web site may link to any page on this site without the prior written permission of Masons’. Such permission could be obtained from the person referred to in clause 1 hereof. This clause does not apply to parties that have entered into e-trader agreements with Masons’.
    2. Hyperlinks provided on this site to non-Mason sites are provided as is and Masons does not necessarily agree with, edit or sponsor the content on such web pages.
  12.  SPYWARE
    1. No person, business or web site may use any technology to search and gain any information from this site without the prior written permission of Masons’. Such permission could be obtained from the person referred to in clause 1 hereof.
    1. This site is hosted, controlled and operated from the Republic of South Africa and therefore governed by South African law.
  14.  PRIVACY
    1. Masons’ may use your information to contact you about promotions and special offers. You are entitled, at any stage, to opt out of this service. We do not sell or rent personal information about individual members (such as name, address, email address, telephone or fax number) to third parties. Masons’ may disclose personal information in response to a specific request by a law enforcement agency, subpoena, court order, or as required by law.
    1. The user agrees and warrants that its log-in name and password shall:
    2. be used for persona use only; and
    3. not be disclosed to any third party
    4. The user allows Masons to take all reasonable steps to ensure the integrity and security of the Masons’ web site and back-office applications.
    5. Any person that delivers or attempts to deliver any damaging code to this web site or attempts to gain unauthorised access to any page shall be prosecuted and civil damages shall be claimed in the event that Masons suffers any damage or loss.
    6. All credit card transactions are Protected by PayFast.
    1. Masons’ may, in its sole discretion, change this agreement or any part thereof at any time without notice.
    1. In the event of any dispute of any nature whatsoever arising between the parties on any matter provided for in, or arising out of this agreement, and not solved between the user and Masons’, shall be submitted to confidential arbitration in terms of the expedited rules of the Arbitration Foundation of South Africa.
    1. Masons chooses its domicilium citandi et executandi for all purposes under this agreement, whether in respect of court process, notice, or other documents or communications of whatsoever nature, 43 Woburn Ave, Benoni, 1501
    1. Your privacy is very important to Masons’ and therefore any information you provide to us is stored on a secure server.
    2. Masons’ may use your information to contact you about promotions and special offers. You are entitled, at any stage, to opt out of this service. We do not sell or rent personal information about individual members (such as name, address, email address, telephone or fax number) to third parties.
    3. Masons’ may disclose personal information in response to a specific request by a law enforcement agency, subpoena, court order, or as required by law.



1. Par-cipant means an individual who par3cipates, and enters the “Smeg Take Home Italy’s Best and Win Competition”
2. Promoter means Smeg South Africa (Pty) Ltd (with registra3on number: 1989/003698/07), a company duly incorporated under the company laws of the Republic of South Africa and having its registered place of business situated at 2985 Winnie Mandela Drive, Bryanston Boulevard, Sandton 2191;
3. Promo-onal Compe–on means any compe33on, game, scheme, arrangement, system, plan or device for distributing prizes by lot or chance if it is conducted in the ordinary course of business for the purpose of promo3ng a
producer, distributor, supplier or associa3on of any such persons, or the sale of any goods or services, alternately any
prize offered exceeds (the amount specified in regula3ons;
4. Redemp-on Instruc-ons means the instruc3ons provided by the Promoter for the deliverance of the prize;
5. Terms and Condi-ons means the terms that apply to the “Smeg Take Home Italy’s Best and Win Compe33on”, and the
condi3ons that need to be met by the Par3cipant in order to be eligible to win a prize;
6. Travel Partner means the individual selected by the Winner in terms of Grand Prize 1, who will accompany the Winner
to Italy.
7. These are the compe33on specific terms and condi3ons (‘Terms of Condi3on”) for the “Smeg Take Home Italy’s Best
and Win Promo3onal Compe33on” (“the Compe33on”).
8. These Terms and Conditions, and the prize entry and redemption instructions are deemed to form part of these Terms
and Conditions. These Terms and Conditions contained herein will prevail in the event of any conflict or inconsistency
with any other communications sent to a Participant by Smeg, inclusive of advertising or Promotional materials.
9. These Terms and Condi3ons are legally binding and enforceable against every Par3cipant that enters the Compe33on.
By entering the Compe33on, it is deemed that the Par3cipant has agreed to comply and be bound by all the Terms and
Condi3ons (including all amendments that could be made) uncondi3onally and the Par3cipant has read all the Terms
and Condi3ons contained herein.
10. The Promoter of the Compe33on is Smeg South Africa (Pty) Ltd (with registra3on number: 1989/003698/07), a company
duly incorporated under the company laws of the Republic of South Africa and having its registered place of business
situated at 2985 Winnie Mandela Drive, Bryanston Boulevard, Sandton 2191 (“the Promoter”).
11. The Compe–on is only open to persons who are either South African Ci-zens or Permanent South African Residents
of 18 (eighteen) years and older, and excludes the Promoter, the Promoter’s adver3sing and promo3onal agencies, any
directors, members, partners, agents, employees or consultants of the Promoter, any supplier of goods or services in
connec3on with the Compe33on and the spouse, life partner, business partner or associate, parent, child, or sibling, of
any of the persons specified aforesaid.
12. The Compe–on is open from 24h00 on 23 July 2024 and ends at 23h59 on 23 October 2024 (the Closing Date). Any
entries received before 24h00 on 1 July 2024 and aRer the Closing Date will not be considered.
13. Any entries to the Compe33on which are duplicated, unclear, illegible, or submi`ed through an incorrect entry
mechanism, or that may contain errors, or are received from Par3cipants who do not comply with entry requirements,
will be declared invalid.
14. For a participant to successfully enter into the Competition to stand a chance to win a prize, the participants will be
required to purchase any of the following Smeg Ovens or Smeg Freestanding Cookers from an authorised retail store
(authorised retails stores can be found on the Smeg Website https://www.smeg.com/za)or kitchen specialist that sells
Smeg appliances:
14.1. Smeg Built-in 60cm; 70cm and 90cm Traditional Ovens;
14.2. Smeg Built-in 60cm Double Ovens;
14.3. Smeg Built-in 60cm Combination Traditional, Steam and Microwave Ovens;
14.4. Smeg Built-in 60x45cm Compact Combination Traditional, Steam and Microwave Ovens;
14.5. Smeg Built-in 60x45cm Compact Microwave Ovens;
14.6. Smeg Countertop Microwave Ovens;
14.7. Smeg Freestanding 110cm; 120cm and 150cm Gas-Electric Range Cookers;
14.8. Smeg Freestanding 90cm Gas-Electric Cookers;
14.9. Smeg Freestanding 90cm Full-Electric Cookers;
14.10. Smeg Freestanding 90cm Full-Gas Cookers;
14.11. Smeg Freestanding 60cm Gas-Electric Cookers; and
14.12. Smeg Freestanding 60cm Full-Electric Cookers.
15. A par-cipant who purchases the abovemen-oned products from an authorised retail store or kitchen specialist is
deemed to have complied with the authorised retail store or kitchen specialists’ Terms and Condi-ons and has agreed
to be uncondi-onally bound to those Terms and Condi-ons. The Terms and Condi-ons of the authorised retail store
or kitchen specialist can be found on its respec-ve website or provided to the par-cipant upon request at the point
of sale.
17. The Participants are required to follow the following steps to ensure successful entry to the Competition:
17.1. STEP 1: Purchase any Smeg Oven or Smeg Freestanding Cooker listed in clause 13 from a participating
retail store or kitchen specialist on or before the 23 October 2024 at midnight;
17.2. STEP 2: Participants are required to retain an original copy of the invoice as proof of purchase which
will be required to complete the online entry form;
17.3. STEP 3: Participants will be prompted to select one of the grand prize options, being either a trip to
Italy to the value of R250 000.00 for 2 OR Smeg appliances of winners’ choice to the of R250 000.00;
17.4. STEP 4: Upon selecting the preferred grand prize option Participants will be redirected to an online
entry form and will be required to upload the original invoice copy as proof of purchase to qualify for
17.5. STEP 5: In order to complete the entry form, Participants will be prompted to complete a series of
questions from the Promotion including:
17.5.1. name and surname;
17.5.2. region;
17.5.3. South African ID or passport number;
17.5.4. contact number;
17.5.5. email address; and
17.5.6. Retailer/kitchen specialist name where the qualifying product was purchased before their
entry is validated.
18. The Promotor will not accept any proof of entry in any form, which entry was not captured by the appropriate system,
as a successful receipt of the Compe33on entry.
19. Entries reserved with a deposit that have not been paid in full before the Competition end date will not be valid.
20. Entries received on items that were purchased to enter the Compe33on and returned while the Compe33on is s3ll
running or ager the Compe33on without valid reason and/or defects, will not be valid and the Promotor reserves its
rights to verify that a purchase was not returned.
21. Par3cipants are required to keep their original invoice and/or 3ll slip as proof of purchase. The proof of purchase must
clearly show date of purchase, par3cipa3ng retailer or kitchen specialist where purchase was made, qualifying product
model and purchase amount.
22. The Promoter reserves the right to verify proof of purchase and reject any redemp3ons that are not in accordance with
these terms and condi3on
23. Participants are allowed enter as many times as they wish, provided that each entry is associated with a separate
24. The Promoter has a discre3on to refuse to award the prize if entry requirements or these Terms and Condi3ons have
not been adhered to or if any irregulari3es or fraudulent prac3ces are detected.
25. Once the Promotor has selected a winner of the compe33on and the Par3cipant has accepted the prize. The selec3on
is final and the Promotor will not be conduc3ng any further draws or awarding addi3onal prizes for the Compe33on.
26. All par3cipants understand and agree that they may win a prize, but there is no guarantee that they will win a prize.
27. There will only be one (1) grand prize Winner selected by the Promotor.
28. The Participant will be required to select one (1) of the two (2) grand prize options below:
Inclusive of an all-expenses paid trip to Italy for 2 (two) to the value of R250 000. The Winner is only
permitted to travel with one other person who meets the requirements mentioned in clause 3.1.
The travel dates are as below, and Winner is to confirm their availability based on the below travel
1. January 2025 – February 2025 (5 nights)
2. May 2025 – July 2025 (5 nights)
This Grand Prize option includes the following:
• Economy domestic and international flights, accommodation on a sharing basis, all hotel
meals, and pre-selected tour experiences based on the selected travel period;
• Cost of the required visas for the Winner and their travel partner;
• Cost of pre-booked transportation (includes shuttled to and from airport, transportation for
planned events and public transport in pre-selected areas); and
• Cost of any emergency medical insurance cover for the Winner and their travel partner.
*Any upgrades to flights, additional travel documents not relating to the prize, transportation not
included in the itinerary of the trip or within the pre-selected area, medical expenses not covered
by the insurance, and any cost not included in the prize package will be for the Winner’s own cost
and the Promotor will not be held liable for any additional cost incurred.
All travel insurance information will be briefed directly to the Winner once they have claimed their prize.
The total value of the Grand Prize will only be given to 1 (one) Winner who can select their travel partner.
The Winner will be required to share all the necessary and/or required documentation and information
for the Winner and their selected travel partner with the Promoter eight (8) weeks prior to the travel
The Winner will be required to accept the Grand Prize, in writing, on the prescribed form provided by
the Promotor. The prescribed form will set out, in detail, the Terms and Conditions relating to the
acceptance of the Grand Prize.
The Winner will have a five (5) day cooling-off period after the acceptance of the Grand Prize 1 to notify
the Promotor in writing of their election to accept Grand Prize 2 instead of Grand Prize 1. Failing which,
the Winner will be deemed to have accepted Grand Prize 1 and all Terms and Conditions relating to
Grand Prize 1 shall be applicable to the Winner.
* Should a Grand Prize Winner be unable to travel on the selected dates and cannot confirm travel
availability and proof of valid passport and all relevant travel documents eight (8) weeks prior to travel
for ticket issue, they then forfeit the prize.
*Should the Winner’s visa application is rejected, the Grand Price 1 option will be forfeited and the
Winner will receive the alternative Grand Prize Option 2 for the Smeg appliances to the value of
R250 000.00.
*Should the Winner’s travel partner’s visa be rejected, the Winner will be required to select an
alternative travel partner within 3 business days and obtain the required visas at their own cost. If the
Winner is unable to find an alternative travel partner, the Grand Price 1 option will be forfeited and the
Winner will receive the alternative Grand Prize Option 2 for the Smeg appliances to the value of
R250 000.00.
Inclusive of Smeg appliances to the value of R250 000.00.
The prize value is based on full recommended retail price (RRP) including VAT. Upon Winner
announcement, the Promoter will provide the Winner with the most current range price list for selection
of products of their choice, up to the stipulated prize value.
Product is subject to stock availability in South Africa. Should the chosen product not be available there
will be an approximate 8–16-week shipping period, alternatively a replacement product may be selected
to fulfil prize claim.
The prize voucher includes a once-off delivery of product.
*Should a particular product chosen be out of stock, the promoter will deliver the outstanding product
at no additional cost.
If the Grand Prize Winner does not redeem their prize for any reason within 1 (one) month (30 days)
from notification of having won the prize, the prize will be forfeited.
Prizes are not exchangeable and cannot be redeemed for cash or equivalent of cash.
29. Only (one) Participant with a valid entry will be selected as the Winner for the grand prize.
30. The Winner will be required to produce an original copy of their invoice and/or till slips as proof of purchase on
31. The Winner will be required to provide valid South Africa ID number, copy of their passport, copy of their South African
identity document, as well as contact and delivery details as required.
32. The Winner will be selected by a random electronic draw from all valid entries received once competition entries close
on 31 October 2024. The draw will be conducted by the Promoter using a designated third-party site.
33. The draw is final and no correspondence in relation thereto will be entered into.
34. The Winner will be notified telephonically on the number they used to enter the competition that they have won the
Grand Prize, within a reasonable period after the draw.
35. The Grand Prize Winner will be required to verify their details during that telephone call. The Promoter will endeavour
to contact the Winners telephonically three (3) times within three (3) days of the draw, after their name is drawn.
36. If the Promoter is unable to reach any Participant whose name was drawn after 3 (three) telephone calls, such
Participant will be disqualified, and a draw of a replacement Winner will take place in the same manner as the first
37. Any tours or experiences not included in trip itinerary will be paid for by the Winner out of their personal account and
is seen as their personal liability.
38. There are only 2 (two) possible date periods available which are listed in clause 23.
39. The Winner needs to ensure their availability for these date periods.
40. The Winner and travel partner need to be in possession of a valid SA passport within a minimum of six months validity
from the date of return to RSA.
41. The Winner and travel partner are required to declare any health risks or issues that might affect their travel or impede
any travel insurance.
42. All personal informa3on provided by the Promotor by the Par3cipant will be processed in accordance with South Africa’s
data protec3on legisla3on (Protec3on of Personal Informa3on Act 4 of 2013) and the Promotor’s Privacy Policy which
can be accessed at www.smeg.com/za/privacy-policy .
43. Please see Smeg’s Privacy Policy for more informa3on on using this Website and cookies. This policy is incorporated
into these Terms and Condi3ons by way of reference and these Terms and Condi3ons should be read together with all
other policies en3rely including this one.
44. By participating in this Competition, Participants agree to receive future marketing material from the Promoter, but can
elect to unsubscribe from receiving marketing material at any time or request the Promotor to delete their information.
45. By par3cipa3ng in the Compe33on, Par3cipants agree that the authorised retailer or kitchen specialist is authorised to
process the informa3on provided to it in accordance with the Protec3on of Personal Informa3on Act 4 of 2013 and in
terms of their respec3ve Terms and Condi3ons.
46. The Compe33on Rules contain certain terms and condi3ons which may –
46.1. limit the risk or liability of the Promotor, or any relevant third party; and/or
46.2. create risk or liability for the Par3cipant; and/or
46.3. compel the Par3cipant to indemnify the Promotor, or any relevant third party; and/or
46.4. serve as an acknowledgement, by the Par3cipant of certain facts.
47. The Promoter will not be liable for any damage, loss, expenses or harm, whether direct or indirect, consequen3al in
nature or not, arising out of or in connec3on with any entry and/or par3cipa3on of the Compe33on.
48. The Promotor will only be responsible for costs that are specifically set out in these Terms and Conditions and shall not
be liable for any additional costs not specified herein.
48.1. The Participant is responsible for:
48.1.1. any and all applicable local taxes and fees;
48.1.2. any costs associated with specific travel requirements that need to be complied
with for travel to Italy, including, inter alia, vaccinations, cost related to travel
restrictions, travel insurance (other than the medical emergency insurance) and/or
any additional expenditure not specifically covered in the prize;
48.1.3. all other costs incurred by the Participant, or arising directly or indirectly from, the
Participant’s involvement in the Promotion, or from the acceptance, receipt, use or
enjoyment of any prize;
48.1.4. Any additional flight and/or accommodation and any associated costs.
49. Without limitation with respect of the abovementioned, the Participant will be responsible for the cost of submitting
proof of purchase and entering the Competition.
50. The Promotor is not responsible for any injury or damage to the Par3cipant or any other person’s computer, mobile
telephone, or other device used by the Par3cipant to enter into or obtain any materials related to the Compe33on.
51. The Promotor or any affiliated providers are not responsible for any entries not received by the Promotor, whether
3meously or at all, regardless of the cause of the delay. Without limita3on, the Promotor is not responsible for any
problems or technical malfunc3on of any telephone network lines, computer online systems, servers, or providers,
computer hardware or sogware malfunc3ons or failure, traffic conges3ons, or any combina3on thereof, or any technical
or other problems.
52. Although the Promotor will endeavour to make every effort to provide complete and accurate informa3on, the
Promotor does not make any warran3es, express or implied, or representa3ons as to the accuracy of the content on
the prize. In this regard, the Promotor does not give any express or implied warranty, or make any representa3ons, or
make any other promise about the quality, accuracy, completeness, and reliability of any informa3on and/or content
and/or material of the prize.
53. By entering the Compe33on, the Par3cipant has agreed to do so at its own risk and assume full responsibility for any
risk or loss resul3ng from the entrance to the Compe33on and the acceptance of the prize and the Promotor will not
accept any liability arising from the acceptance or use of the prize.
54. The Promotor will not be liable for any damage, loss, expenses or harm, whether direct or indirect, consequen3al in
nature or not, arising out of or in connec3on with Grand Prize Op3on 1 or 2 and/or any unlawful ac3vity by the
Par3cipant or otherwise provided for in law.
55. The Par3cipant hereby indemnifies the Promotor for any and all damage, loss, expense, or harm, of whatsoever nature
the Consumer may suffer as a result of the par3cipa3on in the Compe33on and related events and/or ac3ves, including,
without limita3on, death, property damage, claims based on public rights, defama3on or invasion of privacy.
56. The Par3cipant accepts that the Promotor will not be responsible for any costs, damage, harm or otherwise, however
it may have occurred by the Winner of subsequent to claiming the prize.
57. This is the limit of the Promoter’s responsibility and liability for any harm and/or damage in respect of the redemp3on
of the prize.
58. A copy of these Terms and Conditions can be accessed from the Promoters website at www.smeg.com/za/promotions
59. These Terms and Conditions will be interpreted and construed in accordance with the laws of the Republic of South
Africa. All information relating to this Promotion and published on any promotional material will form part of the Terms
and Conditions of entry.
60. These Terms and Condi3ons (including any amendments made from 3me to 3me) and any policies referred to herein
shall cons3tute the full agreement between the Promotor and the Par3cipant and will be binding on the par3es. No
other warranty or undertaking is valid, unless contained in these Terms and Condi3ons.
61. As far as the law allows, all warranties and representations in relation to the Promotion not set out in these Terms and
Conditions (whether express, implied or tacit) are hereby excluded.
62. The Promotor will not be liable for any misrepresentation and/or false expectation perceived by the Winner in relation
to Grand Prize 1 and confirms that any designation images used was used solely for marketing material for this
Competition, is for illustrative purposes only, in this regard the experience by the Winner and his/her travel partner will
63. The Par3cipant may not cede, assign or otherwise transfer any of its rights and obliga3ons in terms of these Terms and
Condi3ons to any third party.
64. If any term or condi3on contained herein is declared invalid, such term and/or condi3on will be deemed to be served
from the agreement and the remaining terms and condi3ons will remain in full force and effect.
65. No varia3on, addi3on, dele3on, or agreed cancella3on of the Terms and Condi3ons will be of any force or effect unless
in wri3ng and accepted by or on behalf of the par3es hereto.
66. No indulgence, extension of 3me, relaxa3on or la3tude which any party may show grant or allow to the other shall
cons3tute a waiver by the grantor of any of the grantor’s rights and the grantor shall not thereby be prejudiced or
stopped from exercising any of its rights against the grantee which may have arisen in the past or which might arise in
the future.
67. The Promoter reserves the right to amend, modify, change, postpone, suspend or cancel this Promotion without notice
at any time, for any reason which the Promoter reasonably deems necessary. In the event that the prizes are not
available despite the Promoter’s reasonable endeavours to procure the prizes, the Promoter reserves the right to
substitute prizes with prizes of equal value.
68. The Promoter reserves the right to terminate the Competition immediately and without notice. In the event of such
termination, as far as the law allows, all participants or entrants acknowledge that they will have no recourse against
the Promoter, its associated companies (directors, officers and employees) agents and suppliers, in respect thereof.
69. Failure to claim the Prize or a refusal or inability to provide required documentation or comply with any of the
competition requirements within 1 (one) month for grand prize, of the date the Winner is selected will disqualify the
Winner and a new Winner will be drawn in terms of these Terms and Conditions.
70. The Promoter reserves the right to disqualify any claim if fraud or cheating is suspected, including without limitation,
through the manipulation of code or otherwise frequently falsifying data.
71. No applications from agents, third parties, organised groups or applications automatically generated by computer will
be accepted. No incomplete or corrupted entries will be accepted. Entries will only be accepted if they comply with all
of the terms of these Terms and Conditions.
72. Any attempt to use multiple cell phone details or other tactics to enter or vote more than the stated limit may result in
disqualification and all associated entries will be void. Entries generated by script, macro, bot, commercial contest
subscription, incentives or other means not sponsored by the Promoter, vote-swapping sites, voting software, entering
service sites or any other automated means and entries or votes by any means that subvert the entry/voting process or
do not conform to the terms or spirit of these Terms and Conditions, will void the entry/votes and may disqualify the
73. The Promoter may in its sole discretion amend these terms and conditions at any time, without notice, and such
amendment(s) will be deemed to have taken effect from the date of publication of the revised terms and condition can
be accessed from the Promoters website at www.smeg.com/za/promotions
74. The Promoter reserves the right to delete any information uploaded by a participant which the Promoter, in its absolute
discretion, believes is illegal, obscene, offensive or defamatory, or infringes the intellectual property rights of a third
party, or is otherwise inappropriate for a campaign designed for mass audience entertainment.
75. Participants warrant that they have full rights to the images and stories that they upload and that the use of the said
material will not constitute a breach of any third party’s copyright or other intellectual property rights.
76. For all queries in respect of this Promotion, please contact the Promoters head office on number 011 463 1016 or via
email on jhbinfo@smegsa.co.za
77. By participating or entering this Competition, participants agree to accept and be bound by these Terms and Conditions
and hereby warrant that all information submitted to the Promoter is true, current, and complete